Press Release

Stealth Deactivation of the Virus by the General Public


Transmission hacking Milton Keynes based company (Akhand Armour) has developed coronavirus destroying wearables which destroy coronavirus by stealth.  

Independent testing by MSL microbiological testing laboratory based in Bury, Lancashire confirms 93% of coronavirus infected droplets landing on the barrier fabric are destroyed on contact.

93% virus destroyed + 99.99% of bacteria – will have a significant impact on reducing R and other illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses.

Long lasting & permanently adhered into the textile fibre it never washes out.  Re-chargable – saving the environment from thousands of disposable masks.  Fit for purpose adaptive PPE bridging the gap between medical PPE and non-medical face coverings. Dr David Greensmith from the University of Salford, says “we can contribute to a respective reduction in R value”.

Innovation in virus reducing wearables reduces community transmission by stealth – killing infected coronavirus droplets on contact.  Wearers will be stealth destroying infected droplets as they walk through the community – without even realising they’re doing so.  “We must stop blaming the public” says company spokesperson from Akhand Armour.  “Expecting people to wear masks in the same way as one would do in medical settings is an almost impossible ask – in real life settings, the same mask is being worn multiple times a day as people rush from one task to another.”

“It’s not the fault of the people…it’s an engineering design limitation of PPE”…and one the Akhand R&D Team has been determined to fix.  “Things do not have to be this way.  We provide the community with options.  We can help reduce community transmission – fast…”  

#Transmissionhackers, eliminating self-infection and transmission hacking through interjecting the virus transmission journey:  we directly intervene in the virus transmission journey by introducing a barrier/block – a sanitising mask case will continue to sanitise the mask – a sanitising shopping bag will help reduce surface spread from your shopping – an antimicrobial baby changing blanket will help mums and dads if they’re caught out needing to change baby when in an unfamiliar environment

“Whilst masks do act as an effective barrier, they do not deactivate infected droplets.  Over time, the mask can become the very thing we are trying to avoid, a reservoir for microbes i.e. a virus pool.  The infected droplets can be unwittingly distributed across several surfaces through the day.   Are people really sanitising their hands each time they touch their masks?  Are single use masks really only being used once? The mask is being handled time and time again through any given day – stuffed in a pocket, or in bag, kept dangling from an ear or around a chin and re-worn multiple times a day”.

Developing adaptive PPE fit for purpose within the real world:  “we’ve developed adaptive PPE engineered for use in the community by the general public. Our wearables destroy at least 93% of infected droplets – on contact.  We provide the community with usable options fit for purpose within the real world…”.  “As people travel through the community using our wearables, they will be reducing likelihood of surface transmission – by stealth – the fabric looks and feels like normal fabric – they won’t even realise they’re doing it” says CEO of Akhand Armour.

“We make it easy – we’ve developed an interventions protocol – not just face masks but also other virus reducing products to interject in the community transmission journey, for example bags for the masks which are also virus reducing.  These will continue the sanitising effects when the masks are being placed in pockets or bags”.  

BAME – diversity conscious and fit for purpose: “we have built products to fit around and integrate into life as we live it – to fit around the human – rather than force people to fit around the product”.  Reducing the need for multiple sizes: “built for the real world the T4 Quad-lock Transformer is engineered for multiple face shapes – is hearing aid friendly, beard friendly and turban/headwear adaptable  “Why do a significant proportion of BAME struggle with mask wearing?  Headwear means ear loops are a problem.  We have engineered our products to be BAME friendly and diversity conscious…”

Fast acting – we work hard to reduce mutation:  the antimicrobial chemistry is a physical/mechanical destruction of the virus.  It ruptures the outer protective wall of the virus – rendering it useless.   This is not a slow chemical poison like silver ions – once rendered useless, the virus cannot mutate.

Super powered innovation by incorporating two separate strategies for virus and bacteria destruction: we use two different methodologies for virus destruction.  We’ve optimised the environment and maximised the probability of virus destruction.  We are excited for the change we can bring…

The T4 model boasts a revolutionary Quad-Lock Transformer™ system: “…a synergistic environment which has at its core a built-in non-depleting textile bonded antimicrobial virucidal antibacterial filtering capability…and behaves like its own self-sanitising ecosystem…”

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