Press Release

Virus Destroying Wearables & Face Masks Turn People Into ‘Human Virus Neutralisers’

Is becoming a ‘variant factory’ inevitable?  “Possibly not” they say.  You can become a ‘human virus neutralising shield’ and stealth deactivate the virus within the community.   

They call themselves ‘Transmission Hackers’.

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Special antiviral wearables can help turn people into ‘Human Sanitising Shields’ in the community to stealth deactivate the virus.

“In the same way as people can become ‘virus transmitters’, we can turn them into ‘human virus neutralisers” says Meena Hanspal of Akhand Armour in Milton Keynes.

They call themselves Transmission Hackers.

The wearables destroy landed infected droplets on contact.  Impregnated with a virus destroying technology they rupture the outer wall of the coronavirus, rendering it useless.  Once useless, it cannot mutate.

“We designed and engineered ‘user friendly’ non medical face coverings which set out to solve the problem of your own mask working against you by becoming an infectious surface”.

They’ve developed a virus destroying ‘self-sanitising eco-system’ which continuously neutralises infected droplets as they land.

“The wearables remain active for the life of the fabric” say Akhand.  “Which means the T4 is better than an ordinary face covering and makes the reliance on disposable face masks seem somewhat ridiculous – especially when considering the disastrous environmental impact disposable masks are having on our planet”.

The virus destroying wearables developed last year are the brainchild of Meena Hanspal.

“Wide spread use of these wearables can also mean we can avoid become a ‘variant factory’.  Ordinary face coverings leave the virus to be transferred from surface to surface and die a very slow death.  This gives the virus a chance to mutate.  Our methodologies mean we can neutralise the active virus.  Killing it off – dead – means it cannot mutate”

“We worked hard to develop a product which could offer the wearer two way protection – to look after themselves as well as others” says Meena.

“The public are effectively being ‘blamed’ for not wearing masks properly – but this is an unfair interpretation of what’s happening out there.”

“Expecting people to wear masks in the same way as one would in medical settings is an almost impossible ask.  Good mask hygiene means you’ve got to be fully aware that infected droplets can settle on the outside surface – but in the real world, people re-use the same mask multiple times a day”.

“It’s usually just stuffed in a pocket and re-worn whilst people are rushing about living their busy lives”.

“Not only do our tools facilitate immediate intervention in the virus transmission journey – and continue to do so 24 hours a day – they’ve been engineered to be easy to use.”

After re-engineering the ordinary face covering they have developed what they call ‘Adaptive Non-Medical PPE’.

“We take the stress out of masking” says Meena.  “We make it easy for the wearer and easy for the people around the wearer”.

Scientifically proven to neutralise landed droplets, on contact, the fabrics have been tested and certified by MSL Labs in Bury, UK.

“By moving over to wearables which destroy the virus on contact, not only are we helping to make the process of covering up, less perilous, we’re also clearing landed droplets out of circulation in the community”

“It blows my mind that the Government are yet to take advantage of the products we’ve developed.  The fabric used in our antiviral wearables has been independently tested and certified – confirming the effectiveness against the virus and a whole host of other microbes”.

Proven effective against coronaviruses, the flu and bacteria as well as a multitude of other microbes the company has developed what they call a complete self-sanitising eco-system, along with the face masks – including sanitising face mask bags, glasses bags, shopping bags and mobile phone bags.  They have also developed scarf-mask hybrids (called a Scarsk™) for people who cannot get on with masks and a baby changing blanket which parents can use in public baby changing rooms or when travelling.

“This means we can actively reduce background virus transference and make some real gains whilst we’re re-opening society.  Rather than move the active virus droplets around surfaces, we’re removing the landed infected droplets from circulation.”

“This means we’re neutralising active virus as we move through the community.  There is strength in numbers.  The more people using the tech, the greater the shielding effect” say Akhand.

“If we come together, we can through the power of our own communities, limit transmission rather than fuel it”

All of the products have been engineered to be diversity friendly – accommodating multiple face shapes, hats, turbans, beards, headwear and hearing aids.

“We are committed to help drive down community fuelled transmission” say Akhand.  “ We invite anyone living in or working in an area where surge testing is underway to contact us for a subsidy against the antiviral face mask and/or face mask case.”

Antiviral technology has been available for many years.  “We have repurposed well tested tech to create an eco-system which can support the community to reduce contact based transmission where possible.”.

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